I-V Curve Tracer

Prototype SmartPVSkin roofing tile using a pixelated array of solar cells.
SmartPVSkins are revolutionary for large-scale, non-planar surfaces such as sports stadiums.
SmartPVSkins are revolutionary for large-scale, non-planar surfaces such as sports stadiums.
SmartPVSkins are revolutionary for large-scale, non-planar surfaces such as sports stadiums.


The REAPER project to develop an i-v curve tracer seeks to develop a flexible and scalable, low-cost test bed for obtaining current-voltage measurements of photovoltaic (solar) modules. Capable of characterizing from a cell to an array, and from one to many samples, the system is based on a Keithley SourceMeter to perform the measurement, a plurality of relay boards to perform the interconnections between the SMU and the device under test, and a Raspbery Pi to control the entire process.

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